Open Marine Data Standards
A5: Berth Version History


28 September 2022

Data Standards

A5: Berth

This data standard should be used to record all data about terminals (a designated location within a port where a vessel may be moored, usually for the purposes or loading and unloading).

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Fields within this standard can be compulsory (must be completed to meet the standard) or optional. Fields are optional if they ‘can be null’. Data can be recorded against a berth for fields not defined in this standard- the standard only defines common fields.

A5.1 Berth name


Cannot be null

The name of the berth as used by the berth’s operator. This is the name (or identifier) most commonly used to identify the terminal.

A5.2 Linked Terminal

LOOKUP / STRING A4: Terminal

Can be null

An identifier for the terminal associated with the berth (the terminal with which the berth is linked). This must be the most unique identifier available for the terminal. If there exists a terminal dataset corresponding to data standard “A4 Terminal”, this value should refer to an element in that dataset (Internal ID).

A5.3 Port containing berth


Can be null

An identifier for the port associated with the berth (the port within which the berth is located). This must be the most unique identifier available for the port. If there exists a port dataset corresponding to data standard “A3 Port”, this value should refer to an element in that dataset (Internal ID).

1: If there exists a Terminal dataset corresponding to data standard “A4 Terminal”, this value must match the value in “A4.5 Port containing Terminal” for the corresponding terminal containing the berth identified in “A5.2 Terminal containing berth”.

A5.4 Berth type

LOOKUP B6: Berth Types

Can be null

The value in the dictionary that best describes the type of the berth. This will relate to the function, operations, structure and location of the berth.

A5.5 Berth latitude

FLOAT Degrees

Can be null

The latitude value corresponding to the berth’s current physical location.

1: Must be a value between -90 and 90.

A5.6 Berth longitude

FLOAT Degrees

Can be null

The longitude value corresponding to the berth’s current physical location.

1: Must be a value between -180 and 180.

A5.7 Berth operator

LOOKUP / STRING A2: Organisation

Can be null

An identifier of the organisation responsible for the operation of the berth. If there exists an organisation dataset corresponding to data standard “A2 Organisation”, this should refer to an element in that dataset (Internal ID).

A5.8 Berth particulars attributes


Can be null

A table of particulars attributes for the berth – values describing any elements of the berth. This is an additional set of fields that can be recorded against a berth. The table has two columns- the first stating (or describing) what the data value refers to and the second the corresponding value. Recommended attributes are listed below.

  • A5.8.1 Is the berth currently active?


    Can be null

    A logical stating whether the berth is currently in use and available for operations.

  • A5.8.2 Salinity of water


    Can be null

    A measure of all the salts dissolved in the water alongside the berth (measured in parts per thousand (ppt).

  • A5.8.3 Vessel side to berth alongside

    LOOKUP B7: Vessel Sides

    Can be null

    The side along which a vessel must dock with the berth.

  • A5.8.4 Is a shore gangway fitted?


    Can be null

    A logical stating whether there is a gangway fitted at the berth.

  • A5.8.5 Maximum permittable vessel displacement


    Can be null

    The maximum weight (measured in tonnes) of displacement (weight of entities required to be on the vessel to bring it to a legal draught) that is permittable for a vessel operating at the berth.

  • A5.8.6 Minimum permittable vessel displacement


    Can be null

    The minimum weight (measured in tonnes) of displacement (weight of entities required to be on the vessel to bring it to a legal draught) that is permittable for a vessel operating at the berth.

  • A5.8.7 Maximum permittable vessel deadweight


    Can be null

    The maximum value (measured in tonnes) of a vessel’s deadweight- how much weight a vessel can carry- permittable for a vessel using the berth.

  • A5.8.8 Minimum permittable vessel deadweight


    Can be null

    The minimum value (measured in tonnes) of a vessel’s deadweight- how much weight a vessel can carry- permittable for a vessel using the berth.

  • A5.8.9 Maximum permittable vessel length (LOA)


    Can be null

    The maximum value (measured in metres) of a vessel’s LOA- the maximum length of the vessel’s hull measured along the waterline- permittable for a vessel using the berth.

  • A5.8.10 Minimum permittable vessel length (LOA)


    Can be null

    The minimum value (measured in metres) of a vessel’s LOA- the maximum length of the vessel’s hull measured along the waterline- permittable for a vessel using the berth.

  • A5.8.11 Maximum permittable beam width


    Can be null

    The maximum value (measured in metred) of a vessel’s beam width- the width of the vessel at its widest point along the waterline- permittable for a vessel using the berth.

  • A5.8.12 Maximum permittable air draught


    Can be null

    The maximum value (measured in metres) of a vessel’s air draught- the vertical distance between the water line and highest point of the vessel- permittable for a vessel using the berth.

  • A5.8.13 Minimum depth


    Can be null

    The minimum value (measured in metres) of a vessel’s depth- the vertical distance between the lowest point of the hull and the water line- permittable for a vessel using the berth. This must consider when the vessel is at the berth and when the vessel is in the berth approaches.

  • A5.8.14 Minimum permittable PMB forward of a vessels’ manifold


    Can be null

    The minimum value (measured in metres) of PMB that is forward of a vessel’s cargo manifold permittable for vessels using the berth.

  • A5.8.15 Minimum permittable PMB total ship flat side length running parallel to the hull


    Can be null

    The minimum value (measured in metres) of PMB that is on the ship sides running parallel to the hull permittable for vessels using the berth.

  • A5.8.16 Minimum permittable PMB aft of a vessels’ manifold


    Can be null

    The minimum value (measured in metres) of PMB that is aft of a vessel’s cargo manifold permittable for vessels using the berth.

  • A5.8.17 Maximum permittable draught alongside the berth


    Can be null

    The maximum value (measured in metres) of a vessel’s depth- the vertical distance between the lowest point of the hull and the waterline- that is permittable when a vessel is alongside the berth.

  • A5.8.18 Minimum permittable freeboard when at berth


    Can be null

    The minimum value (measured in metres) of a vessel’s freeboard- the vertical distance between the waterline and the deck of a vessel- permittable for vessels using the berth.

  • A5.8.19 Maximum permittable freeboard when at berth


    Can be null

    The maximum value (measured in metres) of a vessel’s freeboard- the vertical distance between the waterline and the deck of a vessel- permittable for vessels using the berth.

  • A5.8.20 Minimum permittable height of manifold AWL


    Can be null

    The minimum height (measured in metres) of a vessel manifold AWL permittable for a vessel using the berth.

  • A5.8.21 Maximum permittable height of manifold AWL


    Can be null

    The maximum height (measured in metres) of a vessel manifold AWL permittable for a vessel using the berth.

  • A5.8.22 Maximum permittable distance from the bow to the manifold centre


    Can be null

    The maximum distance (measured in metres) between the bow and the centre of the cargo manifold (measured along the waterline) permittable for vessels using the berth.

  • A5.8.23 Minimum permittable distance from the bow to the manifold centre


    Can be null

    The minimum distance (measured in metres) between the bow and the centre of the cargo manifold (measured along the waterline) permittable for vessels using the berth.

  • A5.8.24 Maximum permittable distance from the stern to the manifold centre


    Can be null

    The maximum distance (measured in metres) between the stern and the centre of the cargo manifold (measured along the waterline) permittable for vessels using the berth.

  • A5.8.25 Minimum permittable distance from the stern to the manifold centre


    Can be null

    The minimum distance (measured in metres) between the stern and the centre of the cargo manifold (measured along the waterline) permittable for vessels using the berth.

  • A5.8.26 Minimum permittable height of the manifold above the deck


    Can be null

    The minimum value (measured in metres) of the vertical distance between the deck and cargo manifold permittable for a vessel using the berth.

  • A5.8.27 Maximum permittable height of the manifold above the deck


    Can be null

    The maximum value (measured in metres) of the vertical distance between the deck and cargo manifold permittable for a vessel using the berth.

  • A5.8.28 Minimum permittable distance from the manifold to vessel side rail


    Can be null

    The minimum value (measured in metres) of the shortest distance between the cargo manifold and side rail permittable for a vessel using the berth.

  • A5.8.29 Maximum permittable distance from the manifold to vessel side rail


    Can be null

    The maximum value (measured in metres) of the shortest distance between the cargo manifold and side rail permittable for a vessel using the berth.

  • A5.8.30 Minimum Safe working load of hose derrick


    Can be null

    The minimum safe working load (in tonnes) of the hose derrick- the hose hoisting apparatus- permittable for a vessel using the berth.

  • A5.8.31 Maximum Safe working load of hose derrick


    Can be null

    The maximum safe working load (in tonnes) of the hose derrick- the hose hoisting apparatus- permittable for a vessel using the berth.

  • A5.8.32 Vapour recovery requirements


    Can be null

    A description of the vapour recovery requirements of vessels in order to use the berth.

  • A5.8.33 Are facilities available for bow loading and discharging?


    Can be null

    A logical stating whether the berth has facilities allowing vessels to load and discharge from the bows.

  • A5.8.34 Are facilities available for stern loading and discharging?


    Can be null

    A logical stating whether the berth has facilities allowing vessels to load and discharge from the stern.

  • A5.8.35 Minimum mooring requirements


    Can be null

    A description of the minimum mooring requirements that a vessel must meet in order to use the berth.

  • A5.8.36 Navigation instructions


    Can be null

    A set of instructions to aid in the navigation of the berth and its approaches.

  • A5.8.37 Minimum permittable capacity of gas


    Can be null

    The minimum value (in cubic metres) of the volume of gas a vessel can carry and still be permitted to use the berth.

  • A5.8.38 Maximum permittable capacity of gas


    Can be null

    The maximum value (in cubic metres) of the volume of gas a vessel can carry and still be permitted to use the berth.

  • A5.8.39 Cargo description


    Can be null

    A description of the types of cargo that can be loaded and discharged at the berth along with any conditions or limitations.

  • A5.8.40 Minimum safe working load of cargo boom


    Can be null

    The minimum safe working load (measured in tonnes) of the berth cargo boom.

  • A5.8.41 Maximum safe working load of cargo boom


    Can be null

    The maximum safe working load (measured in tonnes) of the berth cargo boom.

  • A5.8.42 Minimum permittable gangway height


    Can be null

    The minimum value (measured in metres) of the vertical distance between the gangway and waterline for vessels that are permitted to use the berth.

  • A5.8.43 Maximum permittable gangway height


    Can be null

    The maximum value (measured in metres) of the vertical distance between the gangway and waterline for vessels that are permitted to use the berth.

  • A5.8.44 Minimum capacity


    Can be null

    The minimum volume (measured in cubic metres) that the berth can store of a cargo and still operate safely.

  • A5.8.45 Maximum capacity


    Can be null

    The maximum volume (measured in cubic metres) that the berth can store of a cargo and still operate safely.

  • A5.8.46 Minimum loading rate


    Can be null

    The minimum rate at which cargo can be loaded on to a vessel (measured in cubic metres per hour).

  • A5.8.47 Maximum loading rate


    Can be null

    The maximum rate at which cargo can be loaded on to a vessel (measured in cubic metres per hour).

A5.9 Additional Particulars Attributes


Can be null

A table recording data about the berth that does not allign with other fields in the schema. This data can be very generic and is recorded in a table with two fields as defined below.

  • A5.9.1 Key


    Can be null

    A description or name for the attribute that this piece of data describes.

  • A5.9.2 Value


    Can be null

    The value of the particulars attribute. Note that while this is a string value, xml or other data forms can be stored as a string in this field.

A5.10 Internal ID


Can be null

An ID for internal purposes used to identify this entity and link it to other entities.