Open Marine Data Standards
A12: Vetting Data Version History


28 September 2022

Data Standards

A12: Vetting Data

This data standard should be used to record all data about vetting activity.

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A vet is a careful and critical examination of a vessel (and all other interested entities) in order to ensure that they are suitable for a job and set of operations the Vetter requires to be performed.

The data model for vetting is shown in the diagram below. This shows fields and entities included in a vet and the relationships that exist between them. The box entitled ‘A12.1 Vet requests’ encloses all entities directly linked to a single vet request and box ‘A12.2 Vet’ encloses all entitles directly linked to a single vet.

A12.1 Vet requests

A vet request is a request for a critical examination of one or many vessels (and all other interested entities) to ensure that they are suitable for a job and set of operations that the requestor needs to be completed- a test to see if each of a set of vessels can fulfil a contract. A vet request can result in one or many vets being conducted. Fields within this standard can be compulsory (must be completed to meet the standard) or optional. Fields are optional if they “can be null”. Data can be recorded against a vet request for fields not defined in this standard- the standard only defines common fields.

A12.1.1 Vet request type


Can be null

This is a description (or identifier) of the vet requests type.

A12.1.2 Vet request contract details


Can be null

This is a dataset providing details about the contract for which the requested vets are run. Recommended fields to include in this dataset are stated below.

  • A12.1.2.1 Contract type


    Can be null

    This is a description (or identifier) of the contract type that the requested vets will assess vessels for.

  • A12.1.2.2 Contract start date


    Can be null

    The date on which a contract (that the requested vets are assessing vessels for) would commence.

  • A12.1.2.3 Contract end date


    Can be null

    The date on which a contract (that the requested vets are assessing vessels for) would end.

A12.1.3 Vet request submission details


Can be null

This is a dataset providing details about the submission (and subsequent creation) of the vet request. The fields included in this table are stated below.

  • A12.1.3.1 Requesting user


    Can be null

    The name (or identifier) of the user that requested (and submitted) the vets.

  • A12.1.3.2 Request date


    Can be null

    The date on which the vet was requested (or on which it was requested).

A12.1.4 Vet request destinations


Can be null

This is a list of identifiers of ports that a vessel- which meets the requirements of the vetted contract- must be capable of visiting as destinations. If there exists a dataset corresponding to data standard “A3 Port”, these values should reference elements in that dataset.

1: Destinations listed here should be included in all the vets with no conditions. If different vets apply different conditions to a destination, these should be listed against each individual vet, not the vet group.

A12.1.5 Vet request operations


Can be null

This is a table providing details of any operations that vessels would be required to conduct to fulfil the contract that the vet will assess vessels for.

  • A12.1.5.1 Type of operation

    LOOKUP / STRING B12: Vessel Operations

    Can be null

    This is a description of the operation that will be conducted. It can be a string or the value in “B12 Vessel operations” that best describes the operation. If no dictionary value applies, then a string can be entered.

  • A12.1.5.2 Cargoes involved in the operation

    LIST (LOOKUP) A12.1.7: Vet Request Cargoes

    Can be null

    This is a list of the cargoes that will be involved in the operation. Cargoes included in this list must also be included in the dataset corresponding to data standard “A12.1.7 Vet request cargoes”.

A12.1.6 Vet request decision


Can be null

If more than one vessel is included in this vet request, this is a dataset containing details about any overall decisions given to the set of vessels. The fields included in this table are stated below.

1: This table can only be populated if the request is for multiple vessels.

  • A12.1.6.1 Decision

    LOOKUP / STRING B17: Vet Decision Types

    Can be null

    The value in the dictionary that best describes the decision made against the vet request. The fields included in this table are stated below.

  • A12.1.6.2 User who made the decision


    Can be null

    The name (or identifier) of the user who made the overall decision against the vet request.

  • A12.1.6.3 Date on which the decision was made


    Can be null

    The date on which the overall decision was made against the vet request.

  • A12.1.6.4 Reasons for the decision


    Can be null

    A list of reasons given by the deciding user for the decision.

  • A12.1.6.5 Was the decision appealed?


    Can be null

    A logical stating whether the overall decision was appealed by a user (requesting a recalculation or change in the decision).

  • A12.1.6.6 Approval conditions (if a vet was approved)


    Can be null

    Any conditions stated against the decision that must be met for the decision to apply.

A12.1.7 Vet request cargoes


Can be null

This is a dataset providing details about any cargoes included in the vet request. Recommended fields to include in this dataset are stated below.

  • A12.1.7.1 Cargo type


    Can be null

    A description of the cargo type that would be transported in operations included in the vet request.

  • A12.1.7.2 Quantity of cargo


    Can be null

    The volume of the cargo to be transported.

  • A12.1.7.3 Units

    LOOKUP / STRING B16: Units Of Measurement

    Can be null

    The units in which “A12.1.7.2 Quantity of cargo” is measured. The fields included in this table are stated below.

A12.1.8 Vet request vessels


Cannot be null

This is a list of identifiers for vessels that are required to be assessed to determine if they meet the requirements of the contract. This can be a single vessel or a collection of vessels. If there exists a dataset corresponding to data standard “A1: Vessel dataset”, this should be a list of elements in the dataset that refer to the corresponding vessels (Internal ID).

A12.1.9 Internal ID


Can be null

An ID for internal purposes used to identify this entity and link it to other entities.

A12.2 Vet

A vet is a careful and critical examination of a single vessel (and all other interested entities) in order to ensure that they are suitable for a job and set of operations the Vetter requires to be performed. Fields within this standard can be compulsory (must be completed to meet the standard) or optional.

Fields are optional if they ‘can be null’. Data can be recorded against a vet for fields not defined in this standard- the standard only defines common fields.

A12.2.1 Vetted vessel


Cannot be null

An identifier for the vessel assessed by the vet. If there exists a dataset corresponding to data standard “A1 Vessel”, this value should refer to an element in that dataset (Internal ID).

A12.2.2 Linked vet request

LOOKUP A12: Vetting Data

Can be null

An identifier for the vet request (“A12.1 Vet request”) that the vet is an assessment of (Internal ID).

A12.2.3 Vet contract details


Can be null

This dataset contains details about the contract for which the vessel was being vetted. Recommended fields to include in this dataset are stated below.

  • A12.2.3.1 Contract type


    Can be null

    A name, description or identifier of the type of contract for which the vet was run.

  • A12.2.3.2 Contract start date


    Can be null

    The date on which the contract, for which the vet request was submitted, would start.

  • A12.2.3.3 Contract end date


    Can be null

    The date on which the contract, for which the vet request was submitted, would end.

  • A12.2.3.4 Contract holding company

    LOOKUP / STRING A2: Organisation

    Can be null

    The company that would employ the vessel to fulfil the contract- the charterer.

  • A12.2.3.5 Internal business code


    Can be null

    An internal business code for the type of activity that would be conducted should the vet be cleared.

A12.2.4 Vet submission details


Can be null

This dataset contains details about the submission of the vet. Recommended fields to include in this dataset are stated below.

  • A12.2.4.1 Date on which the vet was submitted


    Can be null

    The date on which the vet was submitted or requested.

  • A12.2.4.2 User who submitted the vet


    Can be null

    The name (or identifier) of the user who submitted (or requested) the vet.

  • A12.2.4.3 Organisation submitting the vet

    LOOKUP / STRING A2: Organisation

    Can be null

    The chartering organisation on whose behalf the vet was submitted.

A12.2.5 Vet cargoes


Can be null

This is a dataset providing details about any cargoes included in the vet. Recommended fields to include in this dataset are stated below.

  • A12.2.5.1 type


    Can be null

    A description of the cargo type that would be transported in operations included in the vet.

  • A12.2.5.2 of cargo


    Can be null

    The volume of the cargo to be transported.

  • A12.2.5.3

    LOOKUP B16: Units Of Measurement

    Can be null

    The units in which “A12.2.5.2 Quantity of cargo” is measured. If no dictionary value applies, then a string can be entered.

A12.2.6 Vet destinations


Can be null

This is a dataset providing details about all the destinations included in the vet (locations the vessel would visit). Details of recommended fields to include in this dataset are stated below. If an operation is required with an unknown destination at which to perform it, record ‘UNKNOWN’ in A12.2.6.1 or leave it blank.

  • A12.2.6.1 Destination port

    LOOKUP / STRING A3: Port

    Can be null

    An identifier of the destination port included in the vet.

  • A12.2.6.2 Destination terminal

    LOOKUP / STRING A4: Terminal

    Can be null

    An identifier of the destination terminal included in the vet.

  • A12.2.6.3 Order in which to visit destinations


    Can be null

    If destinations within the vet must be visited in a specific order, the order is recorded here, with the first location to be visited identified with a “1”, the second with a “2” and so on.

  • A12.2.6.4 Operations to perform at destination

    TABLE Rows

    Can be null

    This is a dataset containing details about all operations included in the vet (all operations the vessel would need to conduct to complete the contract) at the corresponding location. A vet can include multiple operations that can be performed at different destinations or with no specified destinations. Fields to include in this dataset are stated below.

    • A12. Operation Type

      LOOKUP / STRING B12: Vessel Operations

      Can be null

      This is a description of the operation that will be conducted. It can be a string or the value in “B12 Vessel operations” that best describes the operation. If no dictionary value applies, then a string can be entered.

    • A12. Cargoes

      LIST (LOOKUP / STRING) A12.2.5: Vet cargoes

      Can be null

      This is a list of the cargoes that will be involved in the operation. Cargoes included in this list must also be included in the dataset corresponding to data standard “A12.2.5 Vet cargoes”. If no dictionary value applies, then a string can be entered.

A12.2.7 Vet checks


Can be null

This is a dataset containing details about all checks run to aid in the vet decision. This includes checks on the vessel and on destinations. Recommended fields to include in this dataset are defined below.

  • A12.2.7.1 Check type


    Can be null

    This is a description of the check that was run. This should be as succinct as possible and preferably the same as other checks of a similar type.

  • A12.2.7.2 Check outcomes

    TABLE Rows

    Can be null

    This is a dataset defining and explaining the outcome of each check. Recommended fields to include in this dataset are stated below.

    • A12. Check outcome

      LOOKUP / STRING B19: Vet Check Outcomes

      Can be null

      This is the value in the dictionary that best describes the outcome of the check. If no dictionary value applies, then a string can be entered.

    • A12. Date on which outcome was determined


      Can be null

      This is the date and time at which the outcome was determined.

    • A12. Is this an override of a previous outcome?


      Can be null

      A logical stating whether this outcome is an override of a previous outcome- where an outcome had been determined, but a user elects to change the outcome.

    • A12. Reasons for outcome


      Can be null

      This is a list of strings providing reasons for the outcome.

A12.2.8 Vet decisions


Can be null

This is a dataset describing all decisions made for the vet. Recommended fields to include in this dataset are stated below.

  • A12.2.8.1 Vet decision type

    LOOKUP B17: Vet Decision Types

    Can be null

    The value in the dictionary that best describes the overall decision made on the vet. If no dictionary value applies, then a string can be entered.

  • A12.2.8.2 Is this the current decision on the vet?


    Can be null

    A logical value stating whether this is the most recent decision made for the vet. If “A12.3.9.7 Has the decision been appealed?” = FALSE then this value should always be TRUE.

  • A12.2.8.3 Decision date


    Can be null

    The date and time at which this decision was made.

  • A12.2.8.4 Deciding user


    Can be null

    The name (or identifier) of the user who made the decision.

  • A12.2.8.5 Reasons for decision


    Can be null

    A list of reasons explaining the decision.

  • A12.2.8.6 Decision approval conditions


    Can be null

    If the decision was a conditional approval, this is a list of strings providing details about the conditions that must be met for the approval.

  • A12.2.8.7 Has this decision been appealed?


    Can be null

    A logical value stating whether the decision has been refuted (appealed). If “A12.2.9.2 Is this the current decision on the vet?” = FALSE, then this value will always be TRUE.

A12.2.9 Current vet status

LOOKUP / STRING B18: Vet Statuses

Can be null

The value in the dictionary which best describes the current state of the vet. If no dictionary value applies, then a string can be entered.

A12.2.10 Was the vetted vessel used?


Can be null

This is a logical stating whether the contract was conducted in the manner stated within the vet- was the vessel in the vet used to perform the operations. If unknown, the value should be null.

A12.2.11 Additional Particulars Attributes


Can be null

A table recording data about the organisation that does not allign with other fields in the schema. This data can be very generic and is recorded in a table with two fields as defined below.

  • A12.2.11.1 Key


    Can be null

    A description or name for the attribute that this piece of data describes.

  • A12.2.11.2 Value


    Can be null

    The value of the particulars attribute. Note that while this is a string value, xml or other data forms can be stored as a string in this field.

A12.2.12 Internal ID


Can be null

An ID for internal purposes used to identify this entity and link it to other entities.