Open Marine Data Standards
B16: Units Of Measurement Version History


27 September 2022

Data Dictionaries

B16: Units Of Measurement

A list of values describing units of measurement that can be used to record quantities of marine entities.

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B16 Units Of Measurement
  • 1 Cubic metres (M3)

    A measure of volume- relative to the volume of a cube with edges one metre in length.

  • 2 Barrels

    A count of entities- the number of barrels.

  • 3 US gallons

    A measure of volume- equivalent to 231 cubic inches (a cube with edges one inch in length).

  • 4 Imperial gallons

    A measure of volume- equivalent to 1.2 US gallons or 4.54 litres.

  • 5 Litres

    A measure of volume- equivalent to 1000 cubic centimetres (a cube with edges one centimetre in length).

  • 6 Tonnes

    A measure of mass- equivalent to 1000 Kilograms or 2205 pounds. This is also known as a “metric ton”.

  • 7 US tons

    A measure of mass- equivalent to 2000 pounds. This is also known as the “short ton”.

  • 8 Years

    A measure of time- equivalent to 365 days (or 366 in a leap year). This is defined by the time taken for the earth to make one revolution around the sun.

  • 9 Quarters

    A measure of time- equivalent to one quarter of a year.

  • 10 Months

    A measure of time- one of the twelve parts into which a year is divided. This is defined by the amount of time taken by the moon to complete a revolution around the earth.

  • 11 Weeks

    A measure of time- equivalent to 7 days.

  • 12 Days

    A measure of time- equivalent to 24 hours. This is defined by the amount of time taken by the earth to complete a rotation on its axis.

  • 13 Hours

    A measure of time- equivalent to one twenty fourth of a day.

  • 14 Minutes

    A measure of time- equivalent to one sixtieth of an hour.

  • 15 Seconds

    A measure of time- equivalent to one sixtieth of a minute.

  • 16 Milliseconds

    A measure of time- equivalent to one thousandth of a second.

  • 17 Metres (m)

    A measure of distance- equivalent to 100 centimetres. This is defined as the length of the path travelled by light in a vacuum in 1/299792458 seconds.

  • 18 Centimetres (cm)

    A measure of distance- equivalent to a hundredth of a metre.

  • 19 Millimetres (mm)

    A measure of distance- equivalent to one thousandth of a metre.

  • 20 Feet

    A measure of distance- equivalent to 12 inches.

  • 21 Inches

    A measure of distance- equivalent to 25.4 millimetres.

  • 22 Yards

    A measure of distance- equivalent to 3 feet or 0.9144 metres.

  • 23 Miles

    A measure of distance- equivalent to 1600 metres.

  • 24 Kilometres (km)

    A measure of distance- equivalent to 1000 metres.

  • 25 Watts

    A measure of power- equivalent to one joule per second.

  • 26 Kilowatts

    A measure of power- equivalent to 1000 watts.

  • 27 Brake horse power

    A measure of power- equivalent to 7475.7 Kilowatts.

  • 28 Cubic metres per hour

    A rate of volume transfer- equivalent to the number of cubic metres transferred within an hour.

  • 29 Kilograms per hour

    A rate of weight transfer- equivalent to the number of kilograms transferred within an hour.

  • 30 Tonnes per day

    A rate of weight transfer- equivalent to the number of tonnes transferred within a day.

  • 31 Barrels per hour

    A rate of entity transfer-equivalent to the number of barrels transferred within an hour.

  • 32 Bar

    A measure of pressure- equivalent to 100 kilopascals. This is approximately equal to the atmospheric pressure on Earth at sea level.

  • 33 Millimetres, water gauge (mmH2O)

    A measure of pressure- equivalent to 9.80665 pascals. It is defined by the pressure exerted by a column of water of 1 millimetre in height at 4 degrees Celsius under the standard acceleration of gravity (9.8 ms-2).

  • 34 Metres liquid column

    A measure of pressure- equivalent to 1000 millimetres, water gauge.

  • 35 Milli bar

    A measure of pressure- equivalent to one thousandth of a bar.

  • 36 Kilopascals

    A measure of pressure- equivalent to one thousand pascals.

  • 37 Kilograms (kg)

    A measure of mass. This is defined to be the weight of a platinum alloy cylinder (the International Prototype Kilogram) that was manufactured in 1889 and is stored in Saint-Cloud, Paris.

  • 38 Pounds (lb)

    A unit of mass- equivalent to 0.45359237 kilograms.

  • 39 Degrees Celsius (◦C)

    A measure of temperature. This is defined by the states of water. 0 degrees Celsius is the freezing point of water and 100 degrees Celsius the boiling point. The Celsius scale is built around these two concepts.

  • 40 Degrees Fahrenheit (◦f)

    A measure of temperature- equivalent to 1.8 degrees Celsius plus 32.

  • 41 Metres per minute

    A measure of speed- the number of metres travelled in one minute.

  • 42 Knots

    A measure of speed- equivalent to 1.852 kilometres travelled in an hour.

  • 43 Square metres (m2)

    A measure of area- equal to a square with edges of length one metre.

  • 44 Square feet

    A measure of area- equal to an equal with edges of length one foot.

  • 45 Calories

    A measure of energy- equivalent to 4.1868 joules. This is defined as the energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water through 1 degree Celsius.

  • 46 Kilograms per cubic metre (kgm-3)

    A rate of weight- the number of kilograms in one cubic metre of volume.

  • 47 Radians

    A measure of angle- a circle has 2 pi radians within it.

  • 48 Degrees

    A measure of angle- defined as one 360th of a circle.

  • 49 Joules

    A measure of work or energy. This is defined as the work done by a force of one newton when its point of application moves one metre in the direction of action of the force.

  • 50 Pascals

    A measure of pressure- equal to the pressure applied by one newton over an area of one square metre.

  • 51 Undefined

    The units are unknown or do not match the descriptions of any previously defined units.