Open Marine Data Standards
B20: Vessel Identification Programmes Version History


27 September 2022

Data Dictionaries

B20: Vessel Identification Programmes

A list of values describing different vessel identification programmes that are in common use.

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B20 Vessel Identification Programmes
  • 1 IMO

    The 7-digit identification number assigned to the vessel (and printed on the vessels hull) by the International Maritime Organisation

  • 2 USCG VIN

    The identifying string (a combination of numbers and letters) assigned to the vessel by the United States Coast Guard. This ID will be between 6 and 8 characters in length, and may contain up to 2 alphabetic characters followed by numeric characters.

  • 3 ENI Number

    The European Number of Identification assigned to a vessel that can navigate European waters. This ID must contain 8 alphanumeric characters- if a vessel has an IMO, the ENI will be a 9 followed by the IMO

  • 4 Registered Number

    An identifying string assigned to the vessel (that is unique to the vessel) that is not an IMO, ENI or VIN number.

  • 5 MMSI

    A Maritime Mobile Service Identity as issued by the vessel’s current flag state. This consists of 9 digits (the first 3 identifying the flag state, and the subsequent 6 being specific to the vessel).

  • 6 Call Sign

    The call sign for the vessel- a unique alphanumeric identity that belongs to the vessel radio transmitter (between 4 and 5 characters in length, with the first character referring to the registered country of the vessel). There can only ever be one vessel with a given call sign at one moment in time, however; radio transmitters (and subsequently call signs) can be transferred between vessels.

  • 7 Undefined

    A scheme of unknown type, or one which does not match any of the previous descriptions.